Cameroon is a country in Central Africa with a population of approximately 19 million and a surface area of 475,440 km. Women of childbearing age make up 23% of the total population and the maternity death rate is around 406 cases per 100,000 live births and infant mortality stands at 74%2Over the years, reproductive health issues have been one of Cameroon's most widespread and difficult complications. It was in 1972 that the department of Gynecology-Obstetrics was created at the University Teaching Hospital (CUSS). After almost 15 years of its creation, its founders at the faculty decided to unite all the Gynecologists-Obstetricians of Cameroon in a professional association. Hence the creation of the Society of Gynaecologists-Obstetricians of Cameroon (SOGOC) in 1989 ......
La société Gynécologues-Obstétriciens du Cameroun (SOGOC) a été autorisée à fonctionner juridiquement le 9 mai 1989 suite à l’arrêté ministériel n°155/R/MINAT/DAP/SDLP portant sur les associations et rendu public par le Ministre de l’Administration Territoriale et de la Décentralisation d’alors. Cette société respecte également la loi n°090/053 du 19 septembre 1990 portant sur la liberté d’association. Son secrétariat se trouve à Yaoundé.
The objectives of SOGOC are: To promote a high standard of practice in the Art and Science of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Cameroon, to organize training sessions among Reproductive Health providers. Integrate adolescent reproductive health and menopausal medicine (life cycle approach) into our existing RH systems, to promote friendship and exchange of ideas among the Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Cameroon, to hold periodic meetings with the members of the society and the medical profession in general, to partner with continental organisations that share the same objectives, consolidation of training in Gynecology-Obstetrics at the bachelor's and master's levels at the university; finally, the promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration to better the practice of the sciences and arts of Gynecology-Obstetrics
The very recent updated internal regulations give us a vision of SOGOC in Cameroon where optimum reproductive medical care is available, accessible and affordable to all. Its mission remains the close collaboration with the Cameroon government (Ministry of Public Health and other ministries), health related institutions both Public and Private partners in reproductive health (national, international), civil society and the community in order to optimize the standard of practice in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Cameroon.
The executive bureau manages the affairs of the association. They are elected by the General Assembly for a period of three (03) years. This bureau is composed of: a President, a Secretary General, a Deputy Secretary General, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer and two elderly members of the bureau. Most of the current activities of the society are carried out thanks to the efforts of the members and which are often free.
SOGOC is one of the founding members of the African Society of Gynecology-Obstetrics (SAGO) and chaired the organization of the society's congress in 1994. She is also a member of FIGO and of the Inter-African Study Group. of Fertility Research and Application (GIERAF). Since 2007, SOGOC has established good professional relations with the National College of French Gynecologists-Obstetricians (CNGOF), as attested by the Franco-Cameroonian Scientific Congresses jointly organized by SOGOC and said partner. The third took place in France in 2013. In addition, she collaborated with the Franco-Cameroonian Association for Mother and Child Health (AFCASAME).
In recent years, the activities of SOGOC have focused on the fight for the reduction of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rate, as well as for the improvement of the quality of the practice of Gynecology- Obstetrics in the country. In addition, SOGOC has increasingly emerged as an advocate for Reproductive Health matters.
SOGOC has led two FIGO projects: the first relating to unsafe abortion and the second gave a certain number of privileged associations in low-income countries the opportunity ”to act as catalyst in the formulation of positive changes in policy and practice so as to improve maternal and newborn health services among the disadvantaged ”(FIGO, 2011). Thanks to the LOGIC initiative, SOGOC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Public Health in view of formalizing its collaboration with the said Ministry in the field of reproductive health. To date, this project has already formed and created maternal death audit commissions in three hospitals located in two regions of Cameroon. With the support of this FIGO initiative, SOGOC is also restructuring in order to expand its activities in support of national efforts to reduce the maternal mortality and morbidity rate
In 2009, in collaboration with the International Federation of Birth Regulation (FIRN) and the National Association for Family Welfare of Cameroon (CAMNAFAW), SOGOC conducted a national study on the extent and analysis of costs of abortion care in the country. Finally, in association with other stakeholders and the Ministry of Public Health, SOGOC is re-evaluating Reproductive Healthcare protocols.